“VR Grand Slam Award” Introduced by VR Business Brokers / Mergers & Acquisitions
For Immediate Release: It is with great pride that VR announces the introduction of the new “VR Grand Slam Award” to its inventory of honors.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida / April 1st, 2021
It is with great pride that VR Business Brokers / Mergers & Acquisitions announces the introduction, by necessity, of the newest award to its inventory of corporate honors for the organization, the “VR Grand Slam Award”.
As most sports enthusiasts are aware, thoroughbred horse racing has its “Triple Crown”, both professional tennis and golf have their own version of the “Grand Slam”.
Accomplishing the Crown or Slam rarely is accomplished due to its difficulty and unlikelihood.
In history of Business Sales, or Mergers & Acquisitions, no such award has ever existed, until now. In 2020, VR has introduced the “VR Grand Slam Award” recognizing and memorializing the winning of 4 separate annual corporate awards in a single year.

The first leg of the VR Grand Slam Award, which will affectionately be referred to as the “VR Slammy”, is being awarded the “ VR #1 Owner Award” for personal production.
The second leg to the VR Slammy is being recognized for winning the “VR #1 Office Award” in the same calendar year.
For the third leg, an individual will have to win the “VR Mergers & Acquisitions Award”, and then finally the “VR Most Valuable Intermediary Award”, all in a 12-month period.
Winning any one of the four VR corporate awards is a great accomplishment. Achieving all four awards in the same year, has never been accomplished in the history of VR Business Brokers / Mergers & Acquisitions which was founded in 1979, until now!
In 2020, Robert McCormack of VR located in Lewisburg, PA completed and achieved the “VR Grand Slam”.
Bob, was the organizations #1 Owner Award Winner along with owning and operating the #1 Office for 2020. He was also recognized as the VR M&A Award Winner for completing the largest transaction in company. Bob assisted us with our VR/CBA initiative, participated on the panel discussion for top producers in our industry found on YouTube, was the President of the M&A Source, and taught M&A courses at a local university, which culminated in being awarded the VR MVI also for 2020.
Bob’s good friend and fellow VR owner, Jeff Swiggett, MVI, may have encapsulated what many in VR feel, “I’ve been with VR for 13 years. All during this time, I’ve always looked to Bob and his group to see how I could do things better. I’ve learned a lot from his example. Bob and his staff bring a level of professionalism to their practice that makes them one of the best respected M&A advisors anywhere serving lower middle market companies. Buyers and Sellers look to them first for advice about transactions. Bob has also been a leader in the industry, and I am seeing this first-hand serving with Bob on the board of the M&A Source. His contributions are many and important, and his work is tireless. He’s also a good friend. It is no surprise that he hit out of the park in 2020 winning the VR Grand Slam Award. Congratulations Bob!”
The VR Grand Slam Award will join the VR M&A Award, the VR Hall of Fame Award, and the VR Most Valuable Intermediary Award trophies in the foyer of the VR corporate offices.
On behalf of everyone in VR, congratulations Bob on being the first VR Grand Slam Award winner!
About VR Mergers & Acquisitions
Founded in 1979, VR is the innovative leader in business sales, and mergers and acquisitions, of closely held, privately owned, and founder-operated businesses. With an impressive history spanning 6 decades, VR comprehensively addresses the needs of its’ clients by using a detailed focus of planning, communications, and execution. The organization is recognized as the only remaining founding firm of the International Business Brokers Association, and continues to support its mantra, “Our Strength is Our People”.